Drones are a cheaper and more efficient alternative to traditional data collection methods. This invaluable technology paired with experienced and skilled drone pilots allows access to potentially dangerous and completely inaccessible roof spaces without putting anyone in danger. Drone roof inspections/surveys not only provides a safer access platform but also increases the speed of access and data capture. With the ability to identify both minor and major problems efficiently, this data collection method remains a high-quality and high-resolution evidence-based alternative to support comprehensive survey reports.
Drones bye-pass the need for the erection of scaffolding, using drones for surveys will save you time and money, all while achieving advanced results and reducing possible dangers. In the case of completing a pre-purchase roof survey, a house is likely to be the largest investment that you will ever make and the condition of the roof is vital to the value of that investment. What seems like minor damage can fast develop into something more serious. Proactive not Reactive. It costs you far more money to repair and risks damaging the internal structures of your home if you act reactively. Will your policy cover you, if there is wear and tear deterioration, in the event of storm damage.
Drone roof surveying ensures that any risk of danger is minimised. By assessing private, commercial, and industrial roofing using drone technology, we are able to provide detailed photographic evidence supporting survey reports before any one person is physically on the roof to carry out targeted resolutions. In addition to the dangers of accessing a potentially damaged roof, it is often the case with older listed buildings that access is not an option, being either obstructed or hidden, minimising and in most cases ruling out access even with the use of ladders and scaffolding.
External Roof Survey Point
Guttering, rainwater systems - estimate expected lifespan; check for blockages, damages, cracks, leaking joints, leaking unions, other problems.
Chimney stacks - check brickwork and mortar condition, look for loose chimney pots and examine flashings, type and condition.
Roof covering - estimate condition comparable to similar properties and examine for leaks.
Ridge Tiles - ridge tile and mortar condition and ridge iron check.
Valleys and gulleys - check for fatigue splits, poor repairs and mortar condition.
Flat roofs - check condition, examine roof covering and decking for soft spots. Roof windows and skylights - check installation quality and flashing, looked for cracked glass and fogging of units.
Dormer roofs - check covering and condition.
Roof structure - check external for roof sag and spread,
Solar Panels - Check condition for cracks, poor fixings and seals, also pipework and cables general condition.